Killen Global Methodist Church

Nothing Is Impossible With God!

Bryan McIntyre


Bro Bryan began serving as pastor of the Killen Methodist Church in 2008. His passion is leading people to know and love Christ and to grow in the knowledge of God’s Word. He believes that life can only be transformed through the grace of God’s salvation and the powerful, unchanging truth in God’s Word. If we continue to grow in the knowledge of God’s Word, we will know the Truth that sets us free from all the power of darkness and deception. Bro Bryan Email:

Josh Clayton

Contemporary Worship Leader

Josh is a pastor, teacher, and minister of music. He is a gifted musician and has composed many powerful worship and praise songs. His love for God shows through the heartfelt gratitude and worship he brings to our services. We are blessed to have Josh as part of our leadership. Josh Clayton Email:

Annette Harman

Traditional Worship Leader / Choir Director

Annette is a gifted singer, musician, and choir director. God uses her many talents to bring the message of Christ and His Spirit into our worship services through the ministry of music as she leads our congregational singing, choir arrangements, and seasonal cantatas. Her ministry goes beyond the local church through her involvement in the healing power of music therapy. We are blessed to have Annette as part of our leadership. Annette Harman Email:

Eddie Grissom

Youth Director

Youth Director and Youth activities Director.Youth Director Eddie loves the Lord and loves our youth! Though a working husband and father, he still has the energy and passion to lead weekly Bible studies, plan trips and activities, both local and foreign missions. Many young lives have been touched for Christ through the team work of Eddie and his wife, Leslie. We are blessed to have Eddie and his family as part of our leadership. Eddie Grissom Email:

Shae Lindsey

Children's Ministry Director

Shae keeps our children's ministry rolling year round with Bible study, special programs and activities, including VBS and seasonal plays. She has a gift and passion for children to learn about Christ. Through her diligent work, the seed of God’s Word is being sown into many young lives. We are blessed to have Shae and her family as part of our leadership. Shae Lindsey Email:

Charlotte Knight

Church Secretary

Charlotte does a great job in keeping our church office organized and schedules working smoothly. She has the dedication and skills we need to keep our church functions and administration on track and our communication going out to keep the congregation informed of special needs, services, and events.We are blessed to have Charlotte as part of our leadership. Charlotte knight Email:

Connie Garner


Connie is a much needed asset in keeping our facilities open and operating. Without her diligence and work, many of our functions and activities wouldn't be possible. She has been called of God to do what she does for the church, and we thank God for her patience and work she puts into keeping our facilities operating for the glory of God. We are blessed to have Connie as part of our leadership. Connie Garner Email:

It is our heart’s desire for all people to come to know and experience the saving grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ and to be filled with the transforming power of His Holy Spirit.  Our prayer is for God to lead all people to the church where they will grow spiritually in the knowledge of His truth found in His Word.  We believe it is important to be active and involved in the body of Christ.  We offer a wide range of ministries where you can become a participant in learning and spreading the love and mercy of God to our community and to the world.  We would be more than happy to have you join us here at the Killen Methodist Church, if this is where God leads you.  Come join us as we work together for His kingdom.
Bro Bryan

"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus".
Col. 3:15-17

Office Hours:                Monday - Friday      9:00am - 3:30pm
Contact Information:
Phone:    (256) 757- 2148
Address:   201 J C Mauldin Hwy
Killen, Alabama 35645

Sunday 8:30 am Contemporary Service

Our casual early service with an upbeat contemporary style of worship music. A children's church and nursery are offered for the children.

11:00am Traditional Worship Service

This service offers more of a formal traditional style of Methodist worship.

10:00am Sunday School program

We offer a variety of discipleship classes that teach the Bible.

4:45pm Women's Bible Study Sunday

Meets at 4:45pm or Monday's at 10am. Books are available for pick up in the church office. For any questions see Anna Fields.

6pm Sunday Evening Bible Study

Offers a verse by verse study of the Bible with open discussion by all participants.

6:00pm Sunday Night Youth Fellowship

6:00pm Fellowship for all ages starts at 6:00pm

6:30pm Wednesday Bible Study

This class offers discipleships through topics that will help the individual grow spiritually.

Wednesday Night Activities 6:30pm

6:30pm Adult Bro Bryan. Men's Barry Daniel. Youth Eddie Grissom. Children's Shae Lindsey. Bible Studies. Choir Practice Annette Harman

Thursday College/Young Adult 6:30pm

David Burns

Men's Breakfast

First Sunday of each month in the Christian Life Center 7am

Open for all men to attend.


Sunday 5pm - Monday 10am

Precept Bible Study 1 Peter Evening Class Sundays at 5:00pm Morning class Mondays at 10:00am See Anna Fields for book and materials.

Church Prayer

Every Tuesday Morning at 10am in the Sanctuary

Patty Borah Coordinator

PRIME Timers

Each 3rd Thursday of the Month 11:30am

Bill and Darlene Moede Coordinators Beverly Stockton Activities


Every third Saturday of each month 7:30am

We offer a variety of groceries and clothing to those in need from our community. It's first come first served. Doors open at 7:30pm. We share a devotion and offer prayers for all that attend. We also have coffee, juice, and sausage and biscuits.



Director: Beverly Stockton. The Word "Evangelism" is defined as 'zealous advocacy of a cause' such as in preaching or personal witness. Our Ministers to the Community include all of our congregation as Killen Methodist Church encompasses all of this in so many and different ways. Our teams of ministry include and are not limited to: Children’s Ministries for all ages High School, Jr. High & College Youth Ministries Young Adult, Mid Adult & Seniors Ministries Shut Ins Meal Team Ministry Hospital Visits, Card Mailing & Calling Team Ministries Prayer Team Ministry Room At The Inn Community Care Ministry Van Ministry for Christian School transports Break Out Cell Group Ministry Bereavement Meal Team Women’s & Men’s Leadership Teams New Visitor Followup Team Helping Hands Ministry Team Food Pantry & Clothes Closet Community Ministry Team Discipleship Healing Ministry Community Prom Breakfast Team Community First Responder Luncheon Team

Children's Ministries

Children's Ministries

Children's Director: Shae Lindsey. Come and enjoy growing up and walking with God at Killen Methodist Church. We learn to have a relationship with God through Bible studies, fun activities and programs, prayer and worship times, and Vacation Bible School. We have Children's Church at every Sunday morning worship service for 4 year olds to 3rd graders. Sunday night children's church is also during the evening service for 4 year olds to 5th graders. Wednesday night Bible study is age appropriate for 4 year olds to 2nd graders in one class and 3rd to 5th graders in another class. We would love to have you join us on this journey with the Lord.

Helping Hands

Helping Hands

Coordinator/Director: Mike Heath. Helping Hand’s mission is to help anyone in need, but especially, those from our church, who are older individuals or anyone who is not physically capable or financially able to do things for themselves. We believe in following the scripture Matthew 25:46 KJV when Jesus said, “Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Some recent examples of projects are, fixing a sagging screen door, changing a car battery, lawn maintenance (emergency need, non-routine), shopping, taking people to appointments, picking up prescriptions, moving items, replacing an electrical outlet, and building wheelchair ramps. Our group consists mainly of volunteers from Killen Methodist. To request a helping hand (or volunteer to help), simply contact Micheal Heath at 256-227-9113, (in person, by phone or text) and a text will be sent to our volunteers to see who is available and schedule a time. Please give contact information, any details about what is required and time constraints (if any) when making a request.

Food Give Away

Food Give Away

Director/Coordinator: Brenda Montgomery. The monthly giveaway is for anyone in our community who needs food. We strive to uplift spirits and show God's love to each family. The events are on the third Saturday of each month. Food is also available anytime by calling the church office at (256) 757-2148. The majority of the food provided comes from the North Alabama Food Bank. The rest of the items are purchased from the Big Star in St. Florian. The giveaway events are funded solely from donations. We welcome volunteers to support our work and donations. Please call the church office for more information.

Breakout Groups

Breakout Groups

Director/Coordinator: Jennifer Presley. Breakout Groups: We are so excited about our breakout groups! Come sit in a small group setting, with others who want to grow, experience God, and fellowship together. These groups generally last 6-9 weeks. They meet at various places and times-depending on the leader and the group. We breakout groups 2-3 times a year. We have found it is a great way to focus on Christ together in a laid back setting, which makes it easier to get the most out of each group! Come find your group, and let’s grow together in Jesus!

Youth Ministries

Youth Ministries

Youth Director and minister of Youth: Eddie and Leslie Grissom. Our mission for KMC Youth to is help students grow in their knowledge of Gods Word and build a personal relationship with the Lord. We want to equip and empower young people to serve Christ in all that they do. We provide weekly Bible Study for ages 12-18 These weekly Bible Studies are designed to help our youth find their walk with Jesus as well as foster relationships with each other through fun fellowship and activities. We would love for you to come join us! Sunday Nights - 6:00 PM Meet the in CLC Wednesday Nights - 6:30 PM Meet in the CLC Follow us on Instagram for announcements and activities: @kmcyth

Bereavement Meals

Bereavement Meals

Coordinator / Wanda Adomyetz: The Bereavement meal ministry at Killen Methodist Chruch is an outreach of ministry to the families of our church members who have passed away. There are four sub committees that rotate providing a meal for families. It is an honor and privilege for the ministry to serve a grieving family with a meal.

Men's Ministries

Men's Ministries

Men's Ministry / Barry Daniels Our Men's Ministry meets every Wednesday night to pray, discuss life issues and study the Word of God. In this time together, we seek to discuss issues from the Word that relate to our lives as men. The umbrella scripture for this class comes from Proverbs 27:17 "Iron sharpeneth iron; and one man sharpeneth the countenance of a friend." The challenge is to take what we have gathered in our study and put it into action in our lives and circles of influence. We plan to expand our work in the future and would love to see new faces join us in this exciting exploration of the Word!!!



I am so excited to bring this to the church and to the community! At my first class I will get feedback on everyone’s availability so I can set a regular schedule of hopefully two days a week. Below is a video that will provide you some basic information about REFIT®. If you have any questions let me know!! My classes will be free to attend!!



Bible Study 1 Peter Inductive study 7 weeks Introduction for those who are new to the inductive study method is Sunday. Discussion starts Sunday, 4:45pm or Monday at 10am. See Anna Fields for any questions. Have lesson one completed. Books will be available for pick up in the church office or at the introduction meeting.

AA Group

AA Group

We have an AA group that meets at the church on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday at 6pm. For more information call: Roger 256 810-6171 Need Help Now? Call Hotline: 256 415-7719


Quenna Aldridge

Welcome to the Killen GMC

New Members! Joined in August!

Ken and Susie Bradford

Welcome to the Killen GMC.

New Member!

Jessica Coleman

With Justin and beautiful Reese

Congratulations! Baptism ! Lizzie!

Lizzie Whitten

Joined July 14

Baptized! Elizabeth Wright

Elizabeth Wright

Joined in June.

New Members! Joined in June!

Jim and Amy Nelson

We are blessed to have Jim and Amy join us In the body of Christ in Killen

Congratulations to Rylee Grissom

Today she was awarded the “Mary Award” for being obedient and putting others wishes before her own.

Josh Clayton

Congratulations to our pastor, Josh Clayton. He graduates from Memphis Theological Seminary, today. He receives his Master’s of Divinity. Yesterday at awards day he received the Hoyt Hickman Academic Award for superior academic performance and superior practical skill in liturgy.


Josh was awarded for bringing up his scores in the ready math and reading for 5th grade

Whitley Froman

Graduating to next level!!!

Congratulations!!! Chorney family!

New Grand Baby!!!



National Championship!!!

Our Youth at the Creekside Academy!


Creekside Academy Technology Robotics Team. They won the 1st place South's B.E.S.T. OVERALL as well as multiple other awards this past weekend.



Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology Plans to move to Georgia in the spring for Medical Sales training and begin career in Medical Equipment Sales.

Loretto Mustangs 10-0 2023 SEAS0N!!!

Head Coach Barry Daniel

Congratulations to Barry Daniel ( Head coach) and the Loretto Mustangs for their perfect 10-0 season !!!

Bailey Shaddix McCain

Congratulations Baptized October 15, 2023

Congratulations Bailey!

Ed and Sandra Palmer

Welcome new members!

Joined 9/1/2023

David and Lacy Ashley

Welcome New Members!

Congratulations to David and Lacy Ashley for becoming new members of the Killen Methodist Church!!!!

Billy and Harolene Simmons

Congratulations New Members!

Welcome to the Killen Church!!!

Jeremy and Jessica Thompson

Joined Church 5/28/23

Congratulations!!!! NEW CHURCH MEMBERS!

Kenadie Edwards



Selah Fields

Graduation from Auburn

Kathryn Leatherwood

Graduation from UNA

Anna LIndsey


Anna got accepted into the Design Engineering Technology program at Northwest Shoals and accepted a Robotics Scholarship! GO ANNA!

Caroline McAdams

College of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering Dean's Award!

Congratulations Caroline!!


Craig Perry

Joined the Church 4/24/2023

Ruth Lindsey

Baptized Today! 4/9/23

Baptized today!!Congratulations to Ruth Lindsey. Ruth was baptized Easter Sunday 4/9/23

Ethan Blasingame

BAPTIZED today 4/2/2023

Andy and Janet Chorney

New Members!

Welcome Andy and Janet Chorney into the fellowship and ministry of Killen Methodist.

Nick Roberson

Mr Brooks High School

Congratulations on being chosen as Mr BHS for2023

Mackenzie Cramer and Faith Roberson

National Honor Society 2023

Brooks High School National Honor's Society 2023

Cash Grissom

National Honor's Society

Brooks High School National Honor's Society March 8,2023

Allie Craig Cruce


Congratulations to Allie Craig Cruce. Allie Craig gave her life to Christ and was baptized Sunday February 19th.

Ruth Lindsey

Accepted Christ TODAY!!!! 3/12/23

All heaven rejoices!!!! Congratulations to Ruth Lindsey. Ruth gave her life to Christ today 3/12/23.

Mackenzie Cramer

New Member

Congratulations to Mackenzie Cramer on becoming a part of the ministry at Killen GMC

Rick and Mona Ashley

New Members!

Welcome Rick and Mona Ashley into the fellowship and ministry of Killen Methodist.

Alan and Debra Bragwell

New Members!!!

We welcome Alan and Debra Bragwell on becoming new members of the Killen GMC. 2/5/2023

Payton Edwards


Congratulations to Payton Edwards. Payton gave her life to Christ and was baptized Sunday January 8th.

Nick Roberson

Senior of the year!

Nick Roberson Senior Brooks High President of Student Council Brooks Senior of the year. Valedictorian Class of 2023 Nick loves the Lord. He is a kind, caring, loving and considerate person. Congratulations to Nick Roberson!

2024 Services

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2023 Live Stream Services

4 min read
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2022 Live Stream Services

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  • 201 J C Mauldin Highway, Killen, AL, USA
  • 256 757-2148

Website: Facebook:

Lent Devotional Series Week 1 Fasting

Lenten Devotional series. Daily reading and journaling. This is a period of preparation to celebrate the Lord's Resurrection at Easter.

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3 min read

Lent Devotional Series Week 2 Denying Self

Lenten Devotional series. Daily reading and journaling on denying self. This is a period of preparation to celebrate the Lord's Resurrection at Easter.

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2 min read

Lent 2024 Focus for this week 3: Forgiveness

Week 3 Lenten Devotional series. Daily reading and journaling on denying self. This is a period of preparation to celebrate the Lord's Resurrection at Easter.

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2 min read

Lent 2024 Focus for this week : Christ Encounter Week 4

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2 min read

Lent 2024 Focus for this week 5 : Christ Renewal Week 5

Lent 2024 Focus for this week 5 : Christ Renewal Week 5

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2 min read